Food vs Nurtrition

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What did you have to eat today? Why do you eat?
In theory, we eat to provide our bodies with nutrients and vitamins to carry out our normal days. However, we really eat for so many other reasons. We emotionally eat. We socially eat. We eat for pleasure and taste.
When you eat do you ever stop and think about it as fueling your body and also think about what you are putting into your body?
I  grew up eating food. Most of it came from a can or a restaurant and diet coke was my water. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I started to really think about what I was eating and start to think of it as more of nutrition than food. And it has been a long gradual process over 5 years to get to where I am today. And some days I still just eat food and don't think much about the nutrition but those times have become less and less.
Time is precious and I work really hard to find the balance between working, being a mom, and training and working out. Working out and training take a lot of time. I have made a lot of sacrifices to find the time to fit my fitness routine in. Because it is hard to find that time, I have taken it much more seriously which also makes me take my diet more seriously. I don't want to cancel out all of my progress by eating food and not worrying about nutrition. I also find that what I eat determines how I feel I my runs and during my workouts.
Last night we went out to eat and I ate a little out of my norm but not bad and that tiny change made me suffer miserably on my run today.
When you start to think about the purpose of eating and the nutrition value and your needs, your diet changes. Eating for nutrition isn't horrible and I feel that I still get to indulge in good tasting foods. Your taste buds actually change and you really notice sweetness and salty that is naturally in foods.
I love to bake and love pastries. I have found a way to bake with all wholesome real foods and I don't feel like I am giving anything up.
This week while you are eating, take a minute to think about what you are eating and why. When thinking about it, nutrition is much more important to me than the food. I want to fuel my body and feel good!

Nina Pears

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