MM- Common Courtesies to the Runners

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Over the last 3 months, I have put in a lot of miles running on the roads. There are basic rules to follow as a runner and courtesies that others should have for runners. I have run on rural dirt roads, highways, and neighborhood streets, and a few trails. No matter the place, there are rules and courtesies.

If you are a runner, run against traffic.

Try to run as far over in the shoulder as you can.

If you are on a trail, stay to the right.

If running in group, run single file while others are passing by.

If you are out and about with a dog, please control them. We don't appreciate being chased or licked while on our runs.  

If you are on a bike, please don't make it a game of chicken. We go against each other but it isn't about charging towards us and seeing if we will move off the shoulder for you. We try to give you your space and please do the same for us.

If you are on a bike, don't tell me to run on the other side of the road as you pass by. We are supposed to go against traffic sorry we are going against you too.

And for the cars...

Please push over as far as you can. Give us some space. If it's possible go to the other lane or push over a little bit so you don't brush by us. 

If you can't move over any, maybe slow down a little. 

Do not slow down to creep on us as you drive by.

Do not beep or give cat calls.

If you are a peer or a non-runner, have respect for what we are doing. Don't question us. Don't tell us we are crazy or how miserable it sounds. Don't question our pace or tell us how much you hate running. Have respect!

Nina Pears

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