MM- Life is a Marathon!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 4-Life is a marathon, not a sprint:)

It occurred to me today that my marathon training is such a good symbol of my life in general. My training started with an idea and continued with goals and milestones. A lot of growth has been made and there will be more to come. There have been many bad choices, failures, and lessons learned. I have sacrificed things to properly train. This makes sense when you are talking about training for a marathon. The long runs that I go on each week have allowed me to reflect on my life and realize the same holds true to my everyday life.
So is life a marathon or are marathons a symbol for life? I think the same could be said about any personal journey stepping out of your comfort zone. Life can be related to a football game, a hike, a personal achievement, or success in a career. It is important to make sure we have these journeys or events in our life to recognize. All of the things I apply to my training need to be carried over into my everyday life.
I plan for my runs. I set goals. I fail. I learn. I accept. I grow. I am dedicated. I move forward and on. I push myself. I don't make excuses but I don't beat myself up.
There are days or portions of days that I have counted the minutes and waited for time to pass. There are days that go by so fast and I wish I had a pause button. There are times I feel like I am stuck in a rut. Take these scenarios and apply it to running. Do they all happen? Sure? Can we control each one of them and change them? Yes. When thinking about this in my training, it is easy to change and control so this I need to carry over into my life as well. Just like in our training, we can control our life and destiny with the same principals.

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