Weekly Fitness Challenge- Jump Rope

Monday, August 11, 2014

Your challenge this week is to find your favorite songs and jump rope to a song a day. Music is a great fitness motivator. Put the music on and notice how your mood changes and you get energized and a little pep in your step. Most songs average between 3 and 5 minutes long. Jump roping is a great cardio workout that gets your heart rate up. Jumping to music can be a great interval workout. As the music picks up, jump faster to follow it. As the music slows down, slow your jumps down. If jumping for an entire song is difficult just slow down but don't stop.
Do this activity each day. Use it as a warm up before your normal workout or use it to get into a work out routine. Somedays it may get you going and while you still feel good, work off of that feeling and follow it up with a walk or a jog. If you are having a hard time finding time to fit this into your schedule, take a jump rope into the bathroom and jump to a song before getting into the shower!
My favorite part about this challenge...the kids can do it with you and probably teach you something! We like to mix it up and do criss cross, rocking horse, stair step, and ski jumps.

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