Goals and Personal Growth Challenge

Sunday, August 24, 2014

As an adult, professional, and parent it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and really just take it one day at a time. Many times we may have big picture ideas and plans but we let life get in the way and it can get us off track. I have just read two great books that have changed me personally. I read The Happiness Project and The Compound Effect. Both of these books made me think about my self and also being in control of my own destiny. In response to these two books, I have started to make personal short term goals which allign with my long term goals.
In the past, I have always had long term goals but have never really tracked what I am doing in this instant to get there. I have had professional goals and goals for my children and family but again not daily goals which lead to my personal growth. Achieving my personal goals also go hand and hand with my happiness which carries over into every aspect of my life.
One thing I have been guilty of is making goals but keeping them to myself. If I keep them to my self I can try to be accountable but if I am not nobody will really know. One thing that helps with accountability of setting and achieving goals and putting them out to the universe. Let the universe know what you intend to do to become a better person and work on it!
This week, I am setting three personal goals. I am sharing my goals and challenging you to do the same and call on others to share their goals as well. remember these are personal goals to help you grow as an individual. I will check in a week from now and let you know how I did on my goals. i hope to be successful but if I am not, I will know that more work is needed and I will reevaluate and keep working towards them. With only having a week to check in, these will be short term goals which will lead to my long term goals eventually.
I truly believe that goal setting is what will get you to your ideal destination on your journey! 

3 Personal Goals
1. Read 10 minutes of Personal Development each day. I am beginning 30 day Push. This will help me to continue to grow as a person. It may not sound like a big deal but this is one thing that is easy for me to skip here and there and I think necessary for me to keep growing and to achieve those bigger goals.
2. Spend 15 minutes a day with each of my 3 kids individually. I think one on one time with the kids can be difficult but also necessary. I need to be creative in this time and it may be sharing lunch or recess with them or giving each of them their own bed time story and snuggle time. This allows me to be a better mom in a busy world.
3. Shave 15 seconds off of my long run pace. While on my long run today, I realized that I am at a very comfortable pace. I think I can shave some time off if it but I would be pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I think I am capable of it but it would involve being uncomfortable. This will help me grow in so many ways because I am pushing myself to the limits and growing which really is transferred over into everything I do!

Please share and spread the goal setting! 
Now that you will be creating goals for yourself, I want you remember to not give up on them when it gets hard. Setting the goal is the first step. When working towards your goals, expect tricky moments,setbacks.... Challenges! But remember to learn along the way. Keep track of what worked and what didn't. Each step you take is a step towards turning your wish into a reality!
Nina Pears

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