Fitness Challenge 30/30/30

Monday, August 4, 2014

My fitness challenge this week is a 30/30/30 of 3 exercises. The exercises I have chosen will work the entire body. First, do 30 push-ups. Try to do as many push-ups in a row as you can on your hands and feet. If it gets too hard, drop down to 1 knee and continue as long as you can dropping down to both knees when you can't go any further. Push yourself. If you can only get 10 regular push-ups today go for 11 tomorrow. Continue to really push yourself. This only takes a minute so it will be over soon!
Next, do 30 wide legged sumo squats. Point your toes out and squat down. When you come back up, push up on to your calves to engage all of your leg muscles. Push yourself to do 30 in a row. If it gets too hard, skip the calf raise. 
The last exercise is plank to elbow plank. Star up on your hands and keep your body tight and in a perfect line. Really engage all your muscles. Count to 10 then drop down to your elbows and count to 10. Do this 3 times so you do each hold for 30 seconds. 
I encourage you to do this in addition to your regular workout everyday. If you don't have a regular fitness routine, do this everyday and start a routine.

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