Weekly Fitness Challenge- Plank on the Wall

Monday, August 18, 2014

This week's fitness challenge is a little bit different than the past ones. This one is a little bit more involved and may intimidate you. Don't let it. It really isn't difficult once you do. Chalene Johnson recently posted a video of her doing this. I thought it looked like fun so I gave it a try and I liked it and wanted to share it with you.
1. Find a clear wall space
2. Position yourself close to the wall and climb your feet up the wall and get in an inverted plank position.
2. Tuck one knee to chest then the other.
3. Lift 1 leg straight up then the other.
4. Cross one leg to touch the ground and the other.
Continue to do it as long as you can.
I started with one minute and will increase it by increments of 30 seconds every day. You can also do it for the duration of a song.

I challenge you to at least give it a try. It is empowering and makes you feel a bit like a kid. And this one is super kid friendly. They will jump at the idea of climbing up the wall!

Nina Pears

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