Milestones and Memories

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Parenting quote by Joyce Maynard - Love this! Sometimes I think people believe telling a child what to do and not to do is being a good parent. I say actions speak louder than words, lead by example!

As we get ready to turn the calendar to August, I like to take the time and check in on summer. I like to take note of what we have done and what we still need to do. It is amazing to think back and reflect. Some summers for us are filled with excitement and trips and experiences. This summer has been different for us. This summer was a summer of making memories, building relationships and reaching milestones. When I think back on it all, it has been so rewarding.
This summer we didn't go on a plane or even cross state lines. This summer we spent time as a family strengthening our bond with each other and working on ourselves and on our family. We rekindled relationships, we strengthened relationships, and developed relationships. We spent many afternoons at home visiting with friends, playing in the yard, and enjoying each others company. Each of the kids met so many milestones. Tate learned to ride his bike without training wheels, to swim, to write his name, and developed a huge vocabulary. Maya is seconds away from losing her first tooth, mastered so many swimming strokes, and became her own person with a mind that will not give to peer pressure. Ella gained confidence in herself, rocked the swim team, and learned to overcome obstacles and accept and grow from them.
As our summer is winding down with the school year fast approaching, I don't feel a huge need or rush to get the last things in. If we can continue to grow and develop, my wishes as a mom are granted. I hope the kids can appreciate this time too. We are so fortunate to have the time together! So as your summer nears it end, I ask you to think about the memories and milestones you have made. TIme is so precious with these little guys and so easy to take for granted!

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