How to be fit and workout with young kids

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's hard to imagine what life was like 10 years ago without children. When I think back, I remember to quiet time and being able to do what I want when I wanted. With children, our days and schedules tend to revolve around them and their activities and it is harder and harder to find time for ourselves. I workout now more than I did without kids and in a way I find it easier. It takes work to get it in but it can be done.

It needs to be a priority. When working out becomes a priority, it is easy to fit into the crazy schedules or wake up earlier or cut other things out to make it happen. I wake up every morning at 5:15 to get a run in before my kids wake up. They don't even notice I am gone.

Join a gym that has a great childcare. When looking into gyms, consider the child care there just as much as what the gym offers. We skimped a little on the gym to have better child care. The child care is included in the price of membership. Our kids enjoy it so much that it is not a battle to go there and sometimes they complain that we were not there long enough.

Reward your kids after your workout. We have made a deal that after I workout, I give my kids my undivided attention doing something fun and usually active. If I workout at the gym for an hour, than we will follow it up with swimming and I get in the pool and actively play and swim with them. We also may go straight to a park, rock climbing, bike riding, play in the sprinklers, play in the yard, do a craft, or really anything that involves all of us. I like the kids take turns picking what they want to do. Sometimes our schedule doesn't support doing it right after, we may do it before or later in the day.

Form a sort of co-op with friends. Trade kids off to get workouts in and join together at a track or park or house so the kids can play together and you have a partner to workout with.

Make you your partner supports you. With that support, you don't feel as much guilt and you can share responsibility.

Take advantage of your kids practices. If they have sports practice at a park, run or walk around or do a playground workout while they are there. Many times at soccer practice, I will run around the field and then do a body workout. I figure I have an hour to be there and it is a great opportunity to get a workout in.

Include your kids in the workout. Young kids can be pushed in a jogger or pulled on a bike. As they get older, they can join by riding their bike with you or playing independently at a track or a park. I try to include my kids in as much as they can to give them exposure and let them choose when they want to join and when they want to play.

Do at home dvd workout programs. My kids have outgrown naps so we have developed no mommy time while I am working out at home. I tell my kids I am closed for x amount of minutes and set a timer. Before I start, I talk with each of them individually and make sure they are all set. I also remind them of all the things they can do and play while I am working out. After this, I make sure I give them my undivided attention right away. I find that crafts work really well with my kids during this time. I always expect a huge mess afterwards but it is worth it!

Be flexible. I am a creature of habit and love routine. However, it is unrealistic for me to be able to commit to a workout schedule with the ever changing needs of kids. Everyday the time that I workout and the type of workout changes based on the kids. There are days when I am squeezing it in first thing in the morning and other times when it is after the kids go to bed.

Don't let kids be your excuse to not be fit and workout. Let them be your reason to!

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