What's for breakfast? Cereal alternative

Monday, December 8, 2014

has cereal been a go to for you? It is easy and kids love. There is something comforting about it too. I went through a phase where I bought "healthy" cereal just because it was so easy. It was a quick breakfast before school, the kids can get it themselves, and there wasn't any complaining. I knew that there really wasn't much nutrition in a bowl of cereal and the kids were always complaining of still being hungry or were starving before we even got to school. I always try to make a hot breakfast and eggs are our go to. They fill the kids up and keep them full. But we still have those mornings where I just don't have the time to make eggs and the kids aren't quite ready to make them on their own.
While visiting a friend she told me about a breakfast that she makes for herself- a hot grain free cereal. I tried it for myself and tweaked it and made it into a go to breakfast for the kids.
The original recipe called for almond butter, warm water or coconut milk, coconut flakes, honey to sweeten it, vanilla, and cinnamon.

My version-
1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 banana sliced, coconut or almond milk, cinnamon.
I slice my banana, add the almond butter, add enough milk to cover the banana and a dash of cinnamon.  I then microwave it for a minute and then stir it up really well. This is the most filling breakfast I have ever made!

I add a few oats to the mixture when I make it for the kids to give it a heartier consistency. They don't like the texture with out the oats but if I just add a tablespoon of oats, they love it! And it does the trick! Fills them up until snack time!

Nina Pears

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