Reflections on the past year and resolutions for the next year.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Ending one year and starting a new year is a great opportunity. It is nothing more than a measurement of time but a significant one. Over the last year, we have aged, made memories, made mistakes, failed, learned, grown, and lived. We now get to recognize that and move on to another year that we have the power of keeping the same or changing for the better.
While thinking about 2014, it wouldn't appear that it was a significant year. No life changing events occurred. I didn't move, I didn't switch jobs, I didn't hit a milestone age, I didn't have anymore babies. Over the previous 10 years of my life, many of these things were happening.
If I had to sum up 2014 in one word it would be growth! I grew so much this year. I grew as a mom, wife, teacher, and individual. My confidence and self esteem grew tremendously. My relationships with friends and family grew.  I stopped saying and wanting and started doing.
I will never forget sitting on the couch signing up for the NYC Marathon. I laughed at the idea and the chance of getting in and knew I could get out of it. I will never forget sitting my classroom and reading the email that said I made it into the marathon and I will certainly never forget the making the decision to give it my all and run it! The marathon itself changed me. I raced against myself, my inner weaknesses, my past, and pushed through and found strength I didn't know I had! I became a runner!
We had some amazing moments making memories with friends and family as we traveled, visited others, and had loved ones visit us. We traveled the most this year and we spent amazing time with friends and family.
Relationships with others were strengthened or reconnected or developed.
I found something that I am truly passionate about. I have a love for fitness and I truly enjoy helping others. I was introduced to coaching and it has helped me get in the best shape of my life and it has given me an avenue to share this with others and help them start or continue their journeys.

As we approach 2015, I can't wait to continue to build upon this last year. I don't want 2014 to end because it was so amazing but I know as we enter 2015 it has the potential to be even better. I am not one for resolutions. A resolution is a desire that is more of a tradition to make than an actual goal to plan and follow through with. I have big scary goals and dreams for 2015. I have a vision and a map to achieve them.
In 2015, I will continue on my fitness journey and build upon my foundation that I have worked hard for. We will continue to travel and make memories with friends and family. I will run my Beachbody business and be successful because I am so passionate about it. We will renovate our house and make it into our dream house. We will continue to work towards financial stability for our family and become debt free!
Bring on the New Year and new memories, and continued success!

Nina Pears

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