At Home Workouts- Benefits for the whole family

Sunday, December 14, 2014

When I first started hearing about at home workouts, I was very skeptical. I had been going to the gym for a few years and felt like i needed the gym and socialization to get a true workout in. I felt like I would lack accountability working out at home. How can you workout in your living room with minimal equipment and get great results? I thought it would be hard to get into a routine at home. There are also just so many distractions at home.
It is hard to believe I have been working out at home for 7 months now and have not been to the gym since August. It is even harder to believe that I workout harder now than when I went to the gym, I workout more often, and I am in even better shape. I am so happy that I gave it a try. Now I don't understand why people still go to a gym.
The number 1 benefit to working out at home is the exposure that my kids get to me working out and the healthy lifestyle. They can even join in too. When I went to the gym, they would have to go to day care and wait. Their day would be extended longer and I had less time with them. Even though they knew I was going to the gym, they weren't exposed to what I was doing and weren't able to be a part of it.
Following at home programs is the same as having a trainer work with you. I have learned so much about proper technique and the programs are designed to provide specific results. When ever I push play. I feel like I have a trainer in my living room and they push me harder than I would myself at the gym. Because of these trainers and programs, I can workout effectively and have been able to get into amazing shape.
The workouts are also efficient. I have never worked out longer than an hour. The workouts come with a plan to follow so the guess work is taken out of it. Each day, I know what workout I need to do and can follow a plan.
I no longer have a busy schedule or excuses to prevent me from getting my workout in. To go to the gym, I had to work around day care hours, my husbands work schedule, my work schedule, and kids' activities. I can wake up early and workout in the comfort of my living room while everyone is still asleep. Or I can do it at night after all the tasks of the day are done. Or I can even do it when I find 30 spare minutes in between everything else that I need to do.
I worried about lack of accountability and lack of socialization working out at home. Gyms are very social and there is an accountability factor when you regularly go. I find that I am more social about my workouts and have an amazing fit family that supports me, holds me accountable, and pushes me.
So if you have never tried working out at home before, I encourage you to find the right program and give it  a try. You can even still go to the gym but have  aback up plan too!

Nina Pears

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