Why do I exercise?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today I was reading an article that interviewed top trainers across the country. The trainers were asked to tell what they wished they knew before their first workout. The first thing was defining a why. Why do you want to work out? I think this is a great starting point for anyone. It will help with setting goals and also will determine the type of commitment that you will need to make.
 I have been working out regularly for exactly 3 years now. My why has changed quite a bit since the first time I decided to go to the gym. My original why was to just build a little bit of muscle and tone because I had gotten really skinny after my first two pregnancies and I didn't want the same to happen again. And also so my husband would leave me alone. He always urged me to go to the gym with him.  I would regularly work out a couple of times a week. After about a year of doing this, I realized how much I enjoyed the time I was giving myself. Having three kids and working full time doesn't leave much me time available but this was a way to get it and I was feeling great about myself. After that first year, my why changed. I felt like becoming a little bit competitive. I signed up for the Tough Mudder. This seemed like a very challenging race both physically and mentally. My working out changed to training. After the Tough Mudder, my why changed again. During the Tough Mudder, I had a very difficult time doing the monkey bars. I was determined to get more upper body strength to do the monkey bars. If my kids can do it, I should be able to do it.
This last year, my dedication and commitment to exercise took on an all time high. Instead of it being a hobby to get in shape it became more of a life style. People may look at me and think it is a little too much or wonder why I do what I do. There are so many reasons why! I exercise to spend uninterrupted time with myself. I do it to clear my head and think and plan. I do it to be the best I can be physically. I exercise so I can keep up with my kids.  I exercise to be a role model to my kids. I exercise to share a passion with my husband. I exercise because it makes me feel good and keeps me healthy. I exercise to challenge myself and push myself to my own limits.
Another question the trainers  asked is Why not? Why don't you exercise? We all have obstacles and things holding us back. What are those obstacles and how can we work around them? Time and money can be huge obstacles as well as a fear of how to start. Gyms can be intimidating. There are so many ways to get around these!
I would love to help you establish whys and get over your why nots! It has become my passion and I really want to share it and help others!

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