MM- love/hate relationship

Monday, June 23, 2014

While running this morning I concluded that I have a love/hate relationship with it right now. During my runs, I think I hate it and question why in the world I am doing this-it takes so long and my body hurts and I have a million other things I am neglecting. Then I get lost in a thought, look up and take in the scenery, or come home to my family and feel completely refreshed and I think of how much I love running. Later on in the day as I am feeling tired and sore, again I question myself and my idea of running a marathon. As I try to plan my week around my husband's schedule, kids activities, and responsibilities, I find it nearly impossible to make time for my runs. But I always find a way to fit them in. I look forward to my runs and mentally feel so much better after I run. I feel guilt for devoting so much time to myself to train. But yet I feel like I am a better wife and mom doing this for myself.
What I have realized is that this is the most challenging thing I have encountered yet- both physically and mentally. To take it seriously, it takes a lot of time, beats the body up, and pushes you to the limit. My body has never been more tired. If I could do it all over again, I probably would sign up even though I question my thought process to begin with. That's what makes me think that this will all be worth it in the end.

My view on my run this morning

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