National Donut Day

Friday, June 6, 2014

I ate a donut today! I had to write this post because there are so many people that think I am super human and don't even crave the junk or ever slip when it comes to diet and fitness. I will admit it is my first donut in a very very long time maybe even years.
It all started this morning when I was made aware of it being National Donut Day. It didn't really phase me then. My actual thought was wow we really have a national day for just about everything.The thought of getting the kids donuts did cross my mind though.
After running, taking El to swim practice, and working out at the gym, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things. Of course the girls had to go to the bath room which just so happened to be right next to the bakery. I waited there for them and when they came back they saw me filling up a bag with donuts. They both looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Mom, What are you doing?" My causal response was, Well it is National Donut Day. We were at a healthy grocery store too, so I could justify buying them a  little bit more. As we picked the donuts out for them, their brother, grandfather, and dad, I put an additional donut in the bag. Again I got the crazy look and was questioned if I was getting one for myself. I explained that we had to get an extra to give choices to all the people that weren't there.
We come home and all the donuts get eaten except for that extra one. I declined it and went on my marry way. There is no way I want a donut and even if I did, I wouldn't eat it.
As the day goes on, that lonely donut sits there and I decided to just take a bite. Then I ate  a banana to curb the craving. And about a half an hour later, I found myself eating the rest of the donut. Remember it was from a healthy grocery store and it was small. That's why it was the one not eaten by the rest of the crew! That was by far the sweetest thing I have eaten in a very long time! I did enjoy it! I did not have to eat it. I could have convinced myself not too and I could have made it even easier by not buying an extra one. But I ate it, enjoyed it, and don't regret it.
The moral of my post is that it is ok to slip up every once in awhile and indulge from time to time. For some of us it happens more often than it does for others. My feelings are to stay on track more than you slip off and don't let one indulgence set you off forever. You can argue if the donut was worth it or not but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. It was consumed and my hard work has not been canceled out. What better day than National Donut Day to eat a donut. I may just do it again next year!

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