Recipe and Family Activity

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Last weekend we bought a bunch of wiffle balls. It has been our best investment yet this summer. We have been having a blast going in the back yard and having family wiffle ball games. This summer I am realizing more and more that it is the simple things that provide the most fun and encourage our kids to get moving. If you have a big enough space, you can use your backyard and switch  positions. Having 5 of us to play, we take turns as pitcher, catcher, hitter, and outfielder. If you don't have enough space, this can easily be brought to a park. As a kid, we used to play all the time and it was easy and fun. At times we have had only 3 of us play at a time and we rotate pitcher, catcher, hitter. Obviously, with this rotation, we can't run the bases in the correct manner so after the batter gets 3 hits they race around the bases as fast as they can. You can also play more of a home run derby style too. The kids have loved it and Morgan and I enjoy playing along!Tate is able to hit off a pitch but a tee can be used for the little ones too.
Today, I spent a bit of time in the kitchen experimenting. I made noodle-less lasagna and peanut butter/banana balls.
For the lasagna, I did a layer of sliced zucchini topped with spinach, a layer of ground buffalo and sweet Italian sausage, ricotta cheese, my own version of tomato sauce, and fresh mozzarella on top. For the tomato sauce, I pout 5 tomatoes, basil, garlic, and a tad bit of olive oil in the vitamix. I can't wait to try it.
For dessert, I created frozen peanut butter/banana balls. I put 2 ripe bananas in the vitamix with these belgian no sugar dark chocolate bars that I found at costco. I blended them up. Then I mixed it with 2 cups of natural peanut butter. I rolled them into balls and froze them. I already snuck a try of these and they are delicious!
Healthy Kids Snack ? Peanut Butter Balls... kids loooove these. Me too :-) High protein and dense, this is a quick snack with staying power. More kid friendly food recipes at

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