MM- I'm a runner

Monday, June 2, 2014

While running this week, I realized I can truly say I am a runner now. Over the last 2 months, every day has included a run. My runs have become journeys for me. Most mornings, I wake up and start my day with a run. My body tells me I am runner with the aches and pains that come with it. My mind agrees as I find the motivation and drive to begin my run, stretch my run, and finish it. My weekly mileage average is between 30 and 40. I am truly a runner.
Up until now, I have sometimes thought of myself as a runner. I would run a couple of miles here and there but I didn't have the dedication and passion I do now. I have even participated in some big races and somewhat trained for them. It wasn't a big deal to cut a run short or miss days here and there though.
This realization is big for me. I feel like I have transformed. I used to run for the cardio to maintain and stay in shape. My running has taken a turn though where I truly am training and running to get better and go further.
To me there is a fine line between running and being a runner. I believe we all can cross that line and can even go back and forth. It's a nice feeling to be able to push myself and take on the physical challenge. The first step out the door used to be the biggest running challenge for me but now it is after mile 9. I look forward to the rest of my running journey and am excited to continue to face my mental and physical challenges!
Motivational Posters For Runners | Runner's World

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