Positive Parenting

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A few years ago, when I started teaching at the school I currently teach at, a parent commented on how the teachers at our school do a great job saying positive things to the students instead of constantly harping on them. Instead of don't run in the halls, we say let's remember to walk. Instead of saying no talking, we may remind to use a whisper or working voice. This still holds true at school. I have always found that students respond better when talked to in a positive way or when given an alternative instead of a reprimand.
Recently, I felt like I was constantly telling my kids no and don't. It would always turn into an argument and we would all get frustrated. It suddenly dawned on me that I should try being positive with my responses instead of constantly telling them no. Boundaries and structure are huge to me. My kids have always had boundaries and rules which they stay within pretty well. I knew while becoming more positive, I still had to have clearly defined boundaries.  I was a little worried but thought it was worth a try.
It started last Saturday at the girls' soccer games. Tate and Ella wanted to play at the park. Instead of saying no and being asked why and going into the whole conversation of how we have to watch Maya, I said right now we need to cheer for Maya. The conversation just ended there. Later Ella asked for more pizza. Instead of saying no, I said you already had some, now you can have fruit.
Just by eliminating the word no, arguments and defiance have decreased in our household. I find that I feel better as a mom because I am not always saying no and defending my reasons. I really haven't changed what I say but I just get rid of the negative words.

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