Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Being a mom is definitely a very challenging and rewarding role. Everything we do as moms has the potential to change our children's lives for good and bad. There is no how to guide to refer to or undo button when we realize we have done something wrong. So many of the rewards that come with this role are intrinsic.
I wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. Nine years ago, I had my first daughter and didn't have any idea what I was doing. I learned and grew with every milestone and did it so very different with each child. Everyday is a new challenge and something unexpectedly comes our way. Just when we think we have something figured out and we get in a rhythm it all changes again.
Throughout my time in this role, I have learned to appreciate every single second because you will never get it back. Good or bad it is always a moment that brings us closer, teaches us, or helps us grow. I have learned to be forgiving of myself and of my children. I have learned to depend on others for advise, laughter, a listening ear, company, and an extra hand. I have learned so much about myself as I see characteristics of me in my children. I have learned to make mistakes so we can overcome them and that is ok to not always have all the answers.
Mother's day to me isn't about a card, flowers, or brunch but about the time I have with my kids. It usually turns out to be an ordinary day full of chaos and tantrums but it allows me to reflect on my role and appreciate how lucky I am to have 3 amazing children by my side everyday.

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