10 Day Sugar Free Challenge

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I have not been able to see Fed Up yet but have been following all the buzz and have seen bits and pieces of the research and statistics that the documentary shares. The most interesting part I have seen so far is the brain scan comparison of the effects of sugar compared to cocaine. They are pretty similar. Sugar is said to be the most addictive substance out there. Not only does it have huge effects on the brain and body, but it also contributes to the obesity epidemic in our country and the increase in diabetes.
The Fed Up Challenge is to eliminate all sugars for 10 days. This includes honey, agave, and all artificial sweeteners. Within a couple of days, you should start to feel a difference and within a couple of weeks the cravings for sweet things should go away.
I decided I was ready for this challenge. I am lucky to have my husband join as well as my good friend. I think it's easier to do it together so we can encourage each other and also hold each other accountable. I know it is easy to justify a slip or a sneak when doing it by yourself. The kids get to participate by default too. In my opinion, if I am taking this challenge because of how addictive and bad sugar is, my children should be part of it too. My biggest challenge going into this was coffee creamer. I really didn't think I ate much added sugar but I know my coffee creamer and lattes are full of sugar.
The first part of the challenge was to go to the store and stock up.  This led to reading many labels and realizing that sugar is in just about everything. I have made peace with the idea that we will be eating meat, fruits, veggies, dairy, and nuts for the next 10 days. For the kids, fruits will be a big deal. I also got apple sauce and dried fruits with no added sugar to experiment with baking.
The first day was a success! We started our day with protein banana almond pancakes and a berry smoothie. For lunch, we had omelets. Dinner consisted of hamburgers and bison hot dogs (I checked the label and they did not have sugar added), fruit salad, and potato salad made with sweet potatoes and olive oil. I didn't find myself snacking much today. Coffee with plain half and half doesn't taste the greatest but the coffee still does the job.
As I go back to work tomorrow, I think it could get more challenging. I am all in though! My hopes is that after the 10 days, I can remain sugar free but add honey and agave back into the mix for baking purposes.


Protein Banana Almond Pancakes
2 cups almond flour
One scoop protein powder
1 smashed bananna
1tsp baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tbsp coconut oil

Mix and cook on griddle. They will be crumbly. 

4 oz carrot/orange juice(I prefer fresh squeezed)
1 banana
1 cup frozen organic berries
blend together! 

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