Personal Development

Sunday, May 17, 2015

When I first heard about personal development, I rolled my eyes. I don't have time to read about being a better person and I think I am ok the way I am. I have accepted my life and me and I go through the motions of living and am so busy!

I do all sort of professional development for work isn't that even better than personal development?!?

After hearing all of my friends rant and rave about personal development books and seeing them change- live better lives and become better people, I decided that maybe I could give it a chance and see what it was all about still knowing that I didn't have time or really need it. 

It was a really slow process for me. I would read a chapter or two here or there and then I would see little changes in my life or I would start talking about what I was reading. I had a hard time consistently reading. I would go in waves. I would read and love what I was reading and I would change for the better like my friends were but then time would get in my way again or I would finish a book and wouldn't start a new one right away.

I recently made a huge jump on my personal development journey after watching a talk about how we need to continue to change and grow if we want our lives and surrounding to change and grow. We are who we are and we do what we know but if we work on our selves we truly can change. The majority of success is built around attitude. Think of successful people and think of their traits. Most of those traits are attitude traits not skill traits. Personal development helps you change your attitude. With a different attitude, you can grow so much and live such a richer life.

I am still busy but I have learned to find the time to listen to personal development. I think it is great for my kids too so now in the car we listen to personal development on our way to school and we listen to music on the way home. On my runs, I listen to personal development instead of running in silence. While cooking and cleaning, it is great background noise. Time as an excuse is really jsut an excuse. There is always time to listen!

I am amazed at how much your mind set can really change because I am investing a little bit of time into myself. If you want things to change, you need to change yourself! If you want things to be better, you need to be better yourself!

Nina Pears

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