In it for the long run!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ya know that saying “you don’t really know what you have until you don’t have it anymore?” That is how I feel about running right now.

After running my first marathon, I realized what running meant to me and what a huge impact it has on my life. The marathon didn’t make me realize that. The week without running after the marathon made me realize that. I intentionally took a week off after trying to run a short recovery run and having my body tell me it needed a little break. My muscles were tight and tired and just need a rest. Nothing major at all. It was so hard for me to mentally take a week off. I was still working it out so I was able to get my fix that way but it didn’t do what a run did. It was my first day not going for a run in 7 straight months. I mentally craved my run.

I went back to it on Saturday and my body still isn’t 100% as I am working through some overworked muscles and stretching out the tightness of my calves and hamstrings. As slow and short as the runs are, they are so therapeutic and I just push through them because I need them.

It is frustrating when your mind wants to push through the run but your body is saying slow down or stop. While training for my marathon, I so looked forward to the day that I could take it easy or skip a run if I wanted to and now that the time has come, I crave another long run and can’t wait to start accumulating the miles again.

Any doubts I had about running after the marathon and if I was a true runner have been settled!

Nina Pears

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