The Power of a Team- Our Family

Sunday, September 7, 2014

We are on all sorts of teams throughout our life. We grow up on sports teams, we are on academic teams at school, and we work on teams as adults. Being a part of a team allows you to get more accomplished and get more results. A certain amount of trust and belief are required for teams to be successful.
When Morgan returned from being gone 3 weeks on the fire, it was amazing to have him come back into our family life and pick right back up where he left off. The first few days he was back, things just seemed to run a little bit more smoothly and we were just efficient as a family.
We devoted last weekend to doing house work. The house needed a good deep cleaning and the yard needed some sprucing up. This is when I realized how our family truly functions as a team. As Morgan mows the lawn, I do the weeds. As I clean the upstairs, he takes on the down stairs. We tag team the kids and each have different responsibilities and roles with them. We have never really talked about it and planned it out. It just happened. But when you sit back and reflect you are able to see that our family runs and operates like a solid team where we all have the same play book and always know exactly what to do next.
There are days and even weeks, where we get out of our groove and instead of operating as a team, we act as individuals. During these times, things are just a little more chaotic and we need to sit back and recognize this to get back into our groove.
It is nice when we can make decisions or do things without consulting each other because we always know what is best for the team and are always playing the same game, trying to get the same win. I have never thought or our family as a team before until now. But I like it. Our family as  a team is very powerful and can't be beat. Is your family a team?

Nina Pears

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