MM- The Final Stretch

Monday, September 29, 2014

I am coming into the final stretch of my training. There are less than 5 weeks left until the big day. While I was on my long run this week, I felt like I was holding on to every step. I didn't think I would feel this way and didn't expect to at all. There were many weeks where I questioned my training and was wishing it away. I just wanted it to be race day so I could get it down and over with and then not have to train so much and so hard. Many people asked what I was going to do next and I couldn't think of what was next. I needed to get through this and then see what was in store. I am still not ready to plan what is next because I need to finish this training and have my race.
What I do know is that this training has become the best thing I have ever done and as anxious as I am for my race to see all my hard work pay off, I almost want my training to be extended because i don't want this journey to end. Yes, I know I can train again and for something else but it will never be this same journey again.
Never could I have imagined running over 20 miles. Never did I think my body and mind could work together to do this. Never did I think I would enjoy it as much as I do. Never did I think I would want it to continue.
This training has done so much more than prepare me to run a marathon.  It has given me strength. It has given me confidence. It has given me patience. I know I am capable. All of this applies to my running but it also applies to my life. This training has carried over into my daily life and has had a positive impact on it.
I really look forward to my race and to what will be next but I will cherish every run up until then and work my hardest to have it contribute to my big day.
I started this journey at the beginning of April and wasn't quite sure what I got myself in to. Sure I had raced before and run half marathons but I never took it as seriously as I have taken this or worked as hard as this. It all started with an idea and then a day by day plan. I can't wait for the next 5 weeks!

Nina Pears

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