What if...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you made a different decision when faced with a choice? I often wonder. I don't have regrets but I wonder how different it would be if I took a left turn instead of a right on this journey. For as along as I can remember, there have been choices. Many times all the options presented were good options but each option would have a led to very different outcomes. I sometimes think about what it would be like if I chose a different option.
I was reminded of this this weekend.
Ten years a go, I was faced with the decision of where I wanted to live and settle down. We weighed the pros and cons and went with our gut. We moved to Colorado and started our family. At that time, we were living in Florida. Florida was very much my home. I grew so much living in Florida and had a great support system. A big part of my life happened in Florida. I didn't have anything that was pulling me out of there. For Morgan, Colorado was home. He grew up here and always imagined himself living here. We thought about it and moved to Colorado based on an idea he had in his head. I left what was known to me for the unknown and excitement of what else there was out there.
I love Colorado and it is more home to me now than anywhere else that I have ever lived.
Going back to Florida, visiting a dear friend that I grew apart from for a bit, made we think about what it would be like if we stayed in Florida. Would her kids and my kids be best friends? Would we be family? Would we take advantage of the beach and everything that Florida has to offer like we do of Colorado? Would life be the same as it is now?
It is fun to think about what could have been or what might have been. It also makes you realize what you have now and why you are where you are now.
I loved being in Florida and visiting. I loved thinking about the past and taking it all in. But one thing I know for sure is that Colorado is home. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I tried imagining it but as soon as I walked back into my house, ran my neighborhood, and went about my own day, I realized that this is home and even though we could have made a different decision, we didn't. I truly think we create our lives and our homes. Florida will always have a special place in my heart but it isn't home! I plan on visiting as often as I can though!

Nina Pears

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