Happy Mothers Day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It is hard to believe that I have been celebrating being a mom for 6 mothers days now. On a family run last night, I explained to my husband that running all five of us together on a beautiful night is my ideal mothers day gift. I enjoy spending time as a family and love being outside and active. After saying that, I reflected on my favorite mothers days. A couple of years ago, we went for a hike in the hills and had a picnic lunch. While being outside, it just seems that all the worries of the world fade away and the kids don't whine and fight as much. That day spent outside hiking and exploring was my all time favorite.
I wasn't sure what this year would bring since my husband was working and I was spending the day with the 3 kids. We didn't have any plans. It turned out to be a great day and one that I will always cherish. I enjoyed this mothers day a little bit more than usual because my kids were responsible for everything without their dad here to guide them. Everyone seemed to be in great moods and get along very well. We ate all three of our meals outside on the deck. Since we didn't eat out at all we all ate healthy and weren't tempted to indulge ourselves. We went for an extra long run. Tate slept in the stroller, Maya sang in the stroller, and Ella raced the whole way on her bike. She got tired a few times but didn't complain at all. I felt like I could run forever because I was such a proud mom while running. My children really do inspire me and I hope that providing them the exposure to a healthy fit life will inspire them for the rest of their lives as well.
I hope while my own mother reflects back on her mothers days, she too remembers the ones of us spending days outside wandering in the wilderness.
A very happy mothers day to all the moms out there. I hope you cherish the days with your children and help inspire them for the rest of their lives!

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