Marathon Monday- Running with my shadow

Monday, April 21, 2014

I have always found running therapeutic. I prefer to run by myself. I find that is a rare time to be alone with my thoughts. A time to be selfish. And a time to work on myself. I also enjoy running with my husband. Some of our deepest conversations happen while running. Since my children were born, they have been running partners as well. They started out as silent partners, usually napping in the stroller. Now, my older girls unload some of their deepest worries and concerns when they join my runs- usually on a bike by my side. My youngest still begs to come for runs and occasionally well still get  a ride in the stroller. Again this is uninterrupted time where we are only distracted by our thoughts.
Most of my runs are solo though. I run at all times of the day- whenever I can fit them in. This is the time that I prepare, come up with ideas, decompress, rationalize, and just let go. I have no one to judge me or to compete with me -besides myself.
While I was running this weekend, I noticed I was not alone. My shadow was with me for my entire 4 mile run on the country roads. At the beginning of my run, I turned around as I heard a car and noticed my shadow running behind me. I didn't think too much about it at this point in my run. Half way through my run, I turned directions and my shadow was now running ahead of me. At this point, I really started to pay attention to my shadow and realized that I could use my shadow as so much motivation for my run. While I was running down hill, my shadow stretched so far in front of me. I pushed myself to catch up to her. Soon enough I was running up hill again and I saw that I was making gains on my shadow. Then before I knew it, I tuned another corner and my shadow was right by my side. I was able to look at her and measure my stride and admire my form.I turned one last corner before hitting the home stretch. At this point my shadow was now behind me again. I could no longer see her but sensed her right on my heels. As I was running out of steam, my shadow pushed me to run a little faster so she would not pass me and I could win this race with myself. I have always noticed my shadow on runs but never really paid much attention to her until this run. After the run, I realized that my shadow was one of my best running partners. She was silent and the perfect amount of competition that is needed to really push yourself. I look forward to my next race with her!

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