Cream of the Crop

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is one of my favorite times of year. All the goodies in the garden are popping up like crazy. If you don't have a garden, the farmer's markets are a great back up plan. There is something about fresh vegetables. They just smell and taste so much better than the store bought ones. This year, when we were planting our garden, we gave the girls their own area where they could plant what they wanted and take care of it. Now that the veggies are growing, I often find the girls outside picking them and eating them straight from the garden. Maya absolutely loves the carrots straight from the ground. Ella doesn't care much for them. She thinks they taste different which I agree they do and have explained they taste fresh and crisp. Peas are like candy to the girls. We also have lots and lots of strawberries and raspberries that I dream about making things out of, however, they never enter the house. The girls have made it part of their daily morning routine to check for berries and eat them. We have so many squashes and zucchini. I find myself experimenting with different recipes for zucchini bread and try to find creative ways to use the squash. Spaghetti squash seems so be a symbol of summer. It always surprises me how filling and tasty it is. We use it just like we would use pasta and the girls gobble it up.
Fresh veggies are delicious. I think the process of growing them and picking them is just as great as eating them. My goal this summer is to try to find creative ways to use all the vegetables we get. We have a decent size garden but did not grow everything we wanted to . So we do visit the farmer's market to supplement.
I encourage everyone to buy local this time of year and enjoy all of the freshness! I would love to hear some creative ways to use the veggies as well!

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