You can't just eat one!

Friday, June 24, 2011

I came across an article on potato chips today that I wanted to share. The article is about the effect that potato chips have on weight gain and even goes on to say that potato chips are worse than soda, candy, and ice cream. Much of the reasoning behind it is portion control. Who can really just eat one chip? I have found myself saying, "wow, this must have been a small bag of chips," or "They really don't fill these bags up anymore." When I grab a bag of chips, half of the bag can be gone in minutes. When we buy chips, we buy "healthy" chips but I believe at the end of the day they are still chips and the bag can be devoured in one sitting easily. When we pack a lunch, I will bring Pirates Booty and the girls will polish off that bag instantly. I have never really had a sweet tooth but I have always loved chips and have found them to be a weakness. I buy the baked all natural kind and even veggie straws but we eat way more than the portion. It is very hard to have portion control when eating chips and such. Who really counts out their chips and eats only one handful?
For those of us who are disciplined, the article says eating a serving a day of about 16 chips will lead to a weight gain of over 1 and a half pounds in 4 years. Now I may not eat chips daily but I do eat them and usually eat more than a serving. This really made me think. I do believe there are healthier choices out there in the chip department. Plain old potato chips are much worse than pirates booty or veggie straws but in the end avoiding chips might be my new goal! 
I find many other things in the article interesting. I like how it looks at the effects of diet over a time period. 
At the end of the day cutting out the processed foods and eating the fresh stuff is the big secret to maintaining weight over a long period of time! Who would have thought?
Below is the link to the article!

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