Step Goal Challenge for Kids this summer

Thursday, May 25, 2017

We tried this out during spring  break and it was amazing so we are revisiting it during summer break.

It is so easy to let the tv and technology distract our kids and keep them busy. It is so annoying to hear the kids ask over and over again if they can watch tv. My 6 year old can honestly ask every 5 minutes.

I am a strong believe in having the kids be kids running around outside, playing, being creative, and being active!

I also think it is ok for kids to be on tech learning and having some down time in front of the tv.

I run a business on line and love to unwind to some mindless tv myself so I get it!

So here is the challenge that works for us and that the kids love.

Each of the kids have a type of fit bit. Tate has a Garmin Jr which is great for the little kids. It tracks his activity and also chores. He is so motivated by the tracking and to reach his goal!

The girls have regular fit bits that track their activity and steps.

So get up early, get a start to the day, get your chores done, and some playing outside! Those goals need to be reached before any screen time is allowed. They know this, are motivated by it, and it works. Half the time, they lose track of their steps and go way over because they end up having fun!

Nina Pears

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