Farm Camp

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I am very privileged to have partnered up with a great friend to run a summer farm camp. This summer we will have 6 camp sessions teaching children about the importance of farming, fresh foods, where food comes from, and letting them be kids outside. I feel very passionate about this camp. There is a very valuable lesson to be taught and I feel a responsibility to teach it to young children as an educator. These kids are our future and unfortunately a lot of these lessons get over looked at school. Farm camp will not only teach our children how things grow and the science aspect of plants and vegetables but it will also teach these kids where their processed foods come from and a better and more simple way of enjoying these ingredients. I am a huge fan of Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution. We can eat healthy and it can still be delicious and yes kids will still eat it. It seems like many adults are set in their ways and have such bad habits with eating that maybe targeting children and educating them, we can make a healthier society. We don't need to give up chicken nuggets and french fries. But we can make them from scratch. To make chicken nuggets, cut pieces of chicken breast and coat them with almond flour and bake them. Instead of deep frying french fries, cut potatoes and bake them. It doesn't take much more time to cook like this and it tastes so much better and you feel good after eating it. Childhood obesity is a huge problem in our country. Educating kids is just a small step in this process. Kids enjoy their vegetables so much more when they grow them and take care of them and eat them fresh out of the garden.
If you are local, check out our farm camp. If you are not, please consider creating a little garden or buying fresh vegetables at the farmers market. Include your children in the process and try to recreate some children's comfort food in a healthier fun way.

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