Kid recipe and Activity of the day

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I have always been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I am always baffled when I ask children what they had for breakfast. Its hard to believe that children as young as 5 are responsible for getting their own breakfast; usually on the go; and always loaded with sugar. Breakfast is a favorite at my house and most recipes are super easy to make. This morning I made homemade whole wheat 'bunny' pancakes (panpacks in Maya's world) with fresh fruit and agave instead of syrup. The girls devoured them and it only took me 10 minutes to make a whole batch. What a great way to start the day!

Whole Wheat "bunny" Pancakes with Fruit and Agave
1.5 cups whole wheat flour
1.5 cups non-fat milk
3 table spoons truvia (natural sugar substitute)
1 egg
...1 Tea spoon salt
1 Tea spoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon butter
Mix together and shape bunny heads on skillet ( oval head and pointy triangle ears)
Make face with berries and add Agave instead of syrup.
It was a rainy morning at house. Instead of going outside to get our daily run in, we decided to exercise in the house. I try to exercise daily and try to get the girls to as often as possible. The girls love to do it and it is a great way to spend time together. I try to always make it fun and let the girls set their own limits. 
Activity of the Day
Do each workout for 45 seconds, resting 1 min in between. (my 3 year old and 5 year old successfully completed this work out.)
Superman/Banana ( lay on back with arms and feet off ground/lay on belly with arms and feet off ground) 10 seconds each before switching
mountain climbers
jumping jacks
...kid push ups ( on knees)
And finish it up with a fun game of hide and go seek!
Remember to make it fun and let the kids determine their limits!!!!! A simon says version is great!
I am so thankful to have the quality time with the girls and also the opportunity to introduce them to being active.
Following up on my television challenge- 2 out of 18 students have made it since Monday without watching any TV. This is scary. But in all reality this is our reality! We are so dependent on technology-specifically the TV. So I challenged those students again. It was a beautiful day outside and I asked my students to go home and play outside for a little while before watching a show. It is very sad to hear some of their responses. One student said his parents did not let him go outside by himself. Well I don't let my children go out either. But I will go out with them any time they ask me to. I suggested he go home and ask his parents to take him for a walk. Sadly he said he gave up asking them because they never do. So not only are these kids not getting fresh air, they are not getting exercise, and are eating very unhealthy, but they are watching TV!

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