As a child I was a quitter. My parents would put me in activities and I would quit them. I was very shy and felt like I was out of my comfort zone so I would quit. I didn't do any sports until I went to high school. I chose to run cross country and track because I thought I could run but lacked the coordination, foundation, and confidence to try any other sports out. I wasn't a good runner at all but I ran. I even remember always hanging in the back during PE to avoid being in the spotlight and having to work. Growing up, we ate out a lot and I had no boundaries when it came to food. I think I was an over eater when I was a kid and always enjoyed to eat. Diet coke was my drink of choice and I don't remember drinking much else than that. I wasn't fat but had times when I was heavier than others.
In college, I ate anything and everything. I would leisurely workout if it was a social thing. It was a miracle that I made it through with just the freshman 15. My weight fluctuated back and forth.
At this point in my life I realized that I was never really confident in my own skin. I didn't know I could do anything about it and just thought I had to deal with it.
After college, I worked in NYC and justified walking from the train to the office as a workout. I lived on bagels and take out food. I put on some weight and still didn't really know what to do to control myself.
When I moved back to Florida, my best friend asked me to run a half marathon with her. I committed to it not really knowing what I was getting into. My then boyfriend now husband was very supportive of this. In fact, for my first birthday together he bought me running sneakers, a running watch, and clothes. Fitness was very important to him and was his career at that point. Diet and healthy eating still weren't important or a priority. I lived on fast food and chicken fingers. When I met my husband I was 160 pounds which was the heaviest I had even been. Baked goods were a staple in my diet. After running the half marathon, I was down to 130 pounds and I felt better than I had ever felt before and gained a bunch of confidence.
Shortly after I ran the half marathon, I found out I was pregnant. This gave me every excuse to relax and eat whatever I wanted. I gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy. After my first child, my weight just melted off of me. I still didn't have my diet under control and would leisurely run a couple of miles here and there but my weight dropped to 110. I loved it! At this point I think I gave up drinking soda but would still occasionally get it out. I remember eating bisquick biscuit daily for breakfast.
My second pregnancy was about the same. I gained 30 pounds, was a little more active but not much, ate a little bit better but not much. I again lost the weight quickly. It was at this point that I decided I needed to set a goal and do something physically. I committed to another half marathon. My diet got a bit better. My white flour changed to wheat flour and I was more aware of what I ate. I cut out high fructose corn syrup and soda. I was influenced socially.
By the time I got pregnant the third time, I was running through my pregnancy and eating the healthiest I had ever eaten. I began to cut out grains, started to read labels, ate more balanced, and ate organic. I gained the least amount with this pregnancy- 25 pounds.
After my third pregnancy, I had a harder time shedding the weight. It didn't just come off. I had to work for it. After many years of my husband convincing me to lift, I decided it was a good time. When my youngest was 6 months old, I started going to the gym a few times a week. I would run for 20 minutes on the treadmill and lift a few circuits. I would do this maybe 3 times a week. After just a few weeks, I started to really enjoy it and crave it. Every couple of weeks, I would add a little bit more. Because I was working so hard, I paid closer attention to what I put in my body and how it made me feel. At first I cut out wheat, then gluten, then most grains. I cut out sugar and used honey or agave, and then very limited sugar at all. I ate a lot more meat, fruit, veggies, and nuts. I ate healthier processed food and slowly got to a point of almost no processed food.
Here I am today, continuing to change, add, or delete to my diet and workout. I feel that I am the healthiest I have ever been and in the best physical shape of my life. However, I know that there are always things to do to better myself and challenge myself. It has been such a process to get here. I did not wake up one day and decide to do it. It happened very gradually over the years. I know I am still not at a perfect place since there isn't a perfect place. I will continue to challenge myself and enjoy the journey.

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