This year our hiking has changed a little bit. It is the first year Tate is too old to go in the backpack so he is forced to walk. Ella is old enough to walk without complaints and to really start enjoying it. Maya is still in the middle. She doesn't ask to be carried but she can whine through an entire hike and ask to turn around ever 2 seconds until the hike is complete. So you really never know what to expect when venturing out on these hikes.
As we settled into our hike today, I thought what a great family experience it is. We are being physical, enjoying nature, and spending quality-undistributed time together. There aren't too many things we can do as a family that everyone can do and are totally undisturbed.
Here are some tips to make the most out of hiking with little ones.
1. Develop a scavenger hunt and record the findings. Ex.- Find 3 rocks and describe the texture, find 2 different insects, find animal tracks, find a rock/cloud that looks like something, find something of every color of the rainbow.
2. Let kids take turn leading the way or blazing the trail.
3. Run to specific points. Run to the next tree.
4. Stop and appreciate nature and different things seen.
5. Take your time.
6. Bring snacks and water.
7. Keep a journal of all the hikes and animals or nature seen
8. Bring an Audobon book for your area to look things up and learn about them when found.
9. Start small and add slowly.
10. Remember it is an experience and make the best of it. Expect whining and fits but try to work through them.

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