As a mom I feel like I am always pushing my kids out of their comfort zones. With every new activity, sports game, or social situation it is always unknown and awkward for kids. As parents, we push them and help them through and we know they grow from each situation. It is difficult to push our children through at times but very rewarding to see them over come fears and grow as individuals. My oldest daughter struggles with this the most. She gets very comfortable and has a hard time with the unknown and new situations. But it is my responsibility to help give her the strength and skills to muster through.
Now that I am an adult, it is even easier to stay within my comfort zones. It isn't very often that we are forced out of these areas. We may choose to step out at any time but it is usually our choice. Most times we go with the known and expected.
I wasn't able to go for my long run yesterday so I planned on it today. I have found that I have already gotten into the comfort zone of my training. I have my set schedule, planned runs, and "safe" routes. I always know what to expect and am mentally prepared for my runs. Today I walked out of my house and just decided to run. I wasn't sure where I was going or how far I was going. I just ran. While running, I realized I was leaving my comfort zone and I had let my guard down. It was a very liberating feeling. I didn't bring a watch with me so I had no way of tracking my pace. I wasn't stressing about being faster. While running I felt free.
I realized that signing up for a marathon is very much out of my comfort zone. I am not one to just run for the sake of running a marathon. I want to do well and be pushed to my limits. I have worked harder in the last month working out and running than I have ever done before. I need to remind myself with every run and workout to make sure I am pushed out of my comfort zone- try a new route, add in a new exercise, lift heavier, workout longer, and run faster. With this mentality, my goals will be met.
I encourage everyone to recognize what is within comfort and step out every once in awhile!
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